I have URL "http://mywebsite.com" like this. I am using Auth0 for login my web application.Once the user logged in my application i will logging the user to my wordpress site and other website using the same login(Single Single Sign On). Once the user logged out from my application I need to logged out from wordpress and other website Also(Single Sign OFF/OUT).
Is it possible?
please suggest better option
@udayr answer led me on the right path:
I'm actually using ASP.Net Owin, so I created an overload of the LogOff endpoint at the Auth0AccountController of all my Apps like this:
Then I added an SLO (Single Log Of) view and put the following code on it:
Basically, we need to make a Get call to the new LogOff end point via the iframes, the oly drawback is that all the aplications needs to know all the others applications' Log Off URLs, and this needs to implemented on all of them.