I am writing a program to generate sinewave audio tones at 44.1khz sampling rate. The 2 plots below contain 720 audio samples on the X axis and a sine wave that goes between +/-4000 on the Y axis (4000 represents the amplitude/volume in this case).
The contents of the 720 sample sine wave (1,440 bytes of PCM 16 signed audio) are sent as back to back datagrams to an audio application where it should reproduce a pure test tone. In order for a pure tone, I need to produce the lower plot (I have to adjust the frequency by hand until I get a continuous plot).
My questions is how do I mathematically calculate the set of valid frequencies to fit the above.
This is how I produced the above plots:
// check sampleRate, channelCount and sampleFormat
if (rAudioFormat.isValid()) {
const auto sampleFormat = rAudioFormat.sampleFormat();
const auto channelCount = rAudioFormat.channelCount();
const auto bytesPerFrame = rAudioFormat.bytesPerFrame();
const auto volume = aVolumePercent / 100.0f;
// payload must have room for at least 1 frame
if (aAudioSizeBytes >= bytesPerFrame) {
static std::default_random_engine gRandomNumberGenerator;
// each frame contains inputChannelCount audio samples
const qint64 frameCount = aAudioSizeBytes / bytesPerFrame;
// pad size in bytes at the end of the datagram.
const qint64 paddingBytes = aAudioSizeBytes % bytesPerFrame;
// allocate raw data for an unpadded audio sample
const auto payload = std::make_unique<char[]>(aAudioSizeBytes - paddingBytes);
switch (aSignalGenerator) {
case SignalGenerator::Monotone:
if ((!rGeneratorParams.empty()) &&
(static_cast<size_t>(rAudioFormat.sampleRate()) > 0u)) {
const auto frequency = rGeneratorParams[0];
for (auto t = 0; t < frameCount; ++t) {
const auto value = qSin(
2 * M_PI * frequency * (t % frameCount) /
switch (sampleFormat) {
. . .
case QAudioFormat::SampleFormat::Int16:
constexpr auto gMaxVal = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max();
const auto dest = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(payload.get());
for (auto i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) {
dest[t * channelCount + i] =
static_cast<int16_t>(gMaxVal * volume * value);
So far, I have come up with the following bit of code which does part of the job (I think). I know I need get the even (as it needs to fit a sine) divisors of 720, but I don't quite know how to complete this code to return the frequency values corresponding to each of the divisors. Given the sampling rate, I should probably also consider nyquist to limit the maximum reproducible tone frequency.
//! helper function to calculate produce pure tones
//! given nTotalSamples with given nSampleRate.
std::vector<int> getDivisors(int nSampleRate, int nTotalSamples, int nearestMin) {
std::vector<int> divisors;
if ((nSampleRate> 0) && (nearestMin > 0) &&
(nearestMin <= nTotalSamples)) {
for (int i = nearestMin; i < nTotalSamples; ++i) {
if ((nTotalSamples % i) == 0) {
// calculate the corresponding tone frequency
return divisors;
Your frame duration is number of samples divided by sample rate. The number of oscillations is frequency times duration. You want that to be an integer. So simply compute the number you would get, then round that to the nearest integer and convert back to a frequency:
Note I'm using
so I don't have to worry about any rounding effects along the way. This could lead to each individual oscillation taking a fractional number of samples. The way you compute your individual values – by just feeding an argument to a sine function – I would not expect this to be a problem.Also note that you have to use compatible units. If you use sample rate as samples per second, and frequency as Hz, that works fine since both have unit