Right now, after having loaded everything my executable runs my app like this:
Rack::Handler::pick(['puma']).run VCK::App
and it works, but it blocks the terminal (which is ok for development)
How do I get this to start as a daemon programmatically from within my executable?
Code I use to start sinatra as a daemon:
if options[:daemonize]
pid = fork {Rack::Handler::pick(['puma']).run VCK::App}
File.open(pid_file_loc, 'w') {|f| f.write(pid)}
Rack::Handler::pick(['puma']).run VCK::App
Code I use to stop Sinatra Daemon:
Process.kill(15, File.read(pid_file_loc).to_i)
You can daemonize any ruby process from within your code by using Process#daemon