I'm a little stumped right now, it's one of those moments where my app was working fine yesterday, but all of a sudden it's not, and I have no idea why (I'm sure you can relate).
module SK
module Routes
class Base < Sinatra::Base
include Models
get '/*' do
File.read 'public/index.html'
helpers Helpers::API
I'm building an Angular app, so I need to serve the index.html on every request. This all works fine when I'm using the shotgun
gem, but as soon as I put it in production using foreman
, it serves everything, including the assets, as index.html.
Here's my Procfile:
web: bundle exec rackup config.ru -p $PORT
Here's my config.ru:
require './app'
run SK::App
So I don't understand why it works in development, but not in production.
Any ideas?
Shotgun has its own static server that it will use (to avoid forking when not required). Sinatra will also serve static files if configured to do so, but using the modular style app disables this by default.
The fix is to enable the static server:
Now Sinatra will serve static files from the public dir before trying to match the route.