I'm trying to perform multiple LASSO regression in R. To calculate the coefficients for a model, I use the following code
A <- as.matrix(data)
fit_lasso <- glmnet(A[,-1] , A[,1] , standardize = TRUE , alpha = 0.9) #LASSO model
print(fit_lasso) #LASSO model for different lambdas
cvfit <- cv.glmnet( A[,-1] , A[,1] , standardize = TRUE , type.measure = "mse" , nfolds = 5 , alpha = 0.9)
coef(cvfit , s = "lambda.min")
which results (among others) in the following
> coef(cvfit , s = "lambda.min")
15 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
(Intercept) -4.455556e+02
X2 .
X3 2.869015e-05
X4 2.325949e-10
X5 .
X6 5.955569e+00
X7 .
X8 1.043362e+01
X9 .
X10 3.313007e-01
X11 .
X12 .
X13 .
X14 2.129794e-01
X15 .
In glmnet(A[,-1] , A[,1] , ...)
statement A[,-1]
symbolize all the explanatory X variables and A[,1]
the response Y variable. I want to create a loop that calculates and displays the same results as the above for all possible variables combination (e.g. first column as the response variable and all the others as the explanatory ones, second column as the response variable and all the others as the explanatory ones). Using the for statement
I manage to create the following, which doesn't seems to work. Can someone help me figure it out?
data <-read_excel("example.xlsx")
A <- as.matrix(data)
for(i in 1:ncol(data)) fit_lasso[i] <- glmnet(A[,-i] , A[,i] , standardize = TRUE , alpha = 0.9)
for(i in 1:ncol(data)) cvfit[i] <- cv.glmnet( A[,-i] , A[,i] , standardize = TRUE , type.measure = "mse" , nfolds = 5 , alpha = 0.9)
coef(cvfit[i] , s = "lambda.min")
Try this instead:
To get one set of results: