Simulink, calling a function from a statemachine on top level

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My situation in an example: I have a function block which is called Heute() and it is locatet in an an subsystem "test" and within that subsystem in the subsystem "t2"[[enter image description here](](

If i now want to call the function from a statmachine which is at the same level as the "test" subsystem i receive the error: Undefined function or variable 'test.t2.Heute'.enter image description here

But if i put the statemachine in the subsystem "test" on the same level as the subsystem "t2" it works enter image description here

Thanks for your help

I adjsustet the function call in the statemachine to test.t2.Heute() but that does not work

i tried to use function caller blocks but it doesnt seem to work eiter


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