I'm trying to implement some WebRTC video via SimpleWebRTC React component library.
Im having issues with sharing a screen from User A, and viewing it from user B.
When sharing, User A's LocalMedia contains a media object with screenCapture: true
When joining the room and viewing the remote media, User B's RemoteMedia does not contain any media objects that have screenCapture: true
, but one of the media items is identical apart from that key / value.
<SWRTC.RequestDisplayMedia render={(getDisplayMedia) => {
return <AppButton onClick={() => { getDisplayMedia() }} warning>
<ScreenShare style={{fontSize: 20}} />
}} />
This is the <RequestDisplayMedia />
component code I am using to share my screen from User A's UI, but I can't seem to find if there is anywhere else I need to define / setup this screenShare to be appropriately captured as such.
SimpleWebRTC dev here. This issue should be fixed now in 1.7.1.
We were not previously signaling to peers the fact that that a video was a screen capture.
Thanks for the report!