My key for signing Android app was generated using Android Studio. It is working fine when I try to generate signed APK from Android Studio.
However the same key is not working when I try to sign using apksigner tool. Here is the command I am using.
apksigner sign --ks mykey.jks --ks-key-alias MyAlias --out app-myapp-release.apk app-myapp-release-aligned.apk
I am getting below errors: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
Any suggestions?
** Update ** Android Studio Version 2.2.3 The keystore was generated using "Generate Signed APK" dialog box from Build menu.
I just had this exact problem, and many more while trying to sing an apk.
Try to add these options to your sign command:
Now you can normally type in your keystore password and your key (alias) password in that order.