Signing APK for Kindle Fire causes Crash

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We have a rather large (~625 MB) APK file that we are trying to sign for use on Kindle Fire. If we use the basic debug profile the build works just fine. However, when we sign the apk using any keystore (we generated a test, and used our prod keystore), we get the following crash:

    11-19 20:04:12.218: E/szipinf(13794): Error reading asset data
    11-19 20:04:12.218: E/szipinf(13794): Unable to access asset data: -1
    11-19 20:04:12.218: W/dalvikvm(13794): threadid=27: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41f3eac8)
    11-19 20:04:12.218: E/AndroidRuntime(13794): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-23834
    11-19 20:04:12.218: E/AndroidRuntime(13794):
    11-19 20:04:12.218: E/AndroidRuntime(13794): at android.content.res.AssetManager.readAsset(Native Method)
    11-19 20:04:12.218: E/AndroidRuntime(13794): at android.content.res.AssetManager.access$700(
    11-19 20:04:12.218: E/AndroidRuntime(13794): at android.content.res.AssetManager$

We've used the exact same signing methods (using jarsigner and then zipAlign) on many other projects and never seen this issue before. The application works perfectly fine before we sign the file but sees this issue 100% of the time post signing.

If anyone had seen similar issues I'd be really interested to know how you solved the problem. I've searched extensively and found nothing that comes close to explaining this behaviour.


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