Showing some famous quotes and authors with buttons

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Hi!!! This is a picture that shows how an App I wanna make looks like.

The view has 2 labels , one for the quote and one for the author , and two buttons for going across of each of them.

It's simple , I would like to have quotes like: "Stay hungry , stay foolish" - Steve Jobs or whatever.

My questions :

1) How to show correctly the different quotes with the correct authors passing 1 by 1 clicking on the buttons?

2) The buttons should show in order the quotes. I mean, 1 position back or 1 position ahead. How to advance 1 by 1 with them?

My current code it's able to display random quotes clicking on 1 button but with no authors (It was only a try). Here is it:

var frasesOcultas : [String] = ["El mundo pertenece a quienes tienen el valor de perseguir sus sueños", "Mantente alocado, mantente hambriento","Un día despertarás y descubrirás que ya no tienes tiempo para hacer las cosas que habías soñado, hazlo ahora","La mente siempre se rinde antes que el cuerpo", "Si puedes soñarlo lo puedes lograr" , "Nos acabamos convirtiendo en nuestras obsesiones" ]

@IBOutlet weak var labelFrases: UILabel!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

@IBAction func previousButton(sender: AnyObject) {

    let fraseAleatoria = Int(arc4random_uniform(6))

    var frase1 = frasesOcultas[fraseAleatoria]

    labelFrases.text = frase1



@IBAction func nextButton(sender: AnyObject) {


There are 1 answers

mforrest On

Surely you should just keep track of the number of the quote you are currently on and then increment or reduce that depending on which button is pressed?