Hi!!! This is a picture that shows how an App I wanna make looks like.
The view has 2 labels , one for the quote and one for the author , and two buttons for going across of each of them.
It's simple , I would like to have quotes like: "Stay hungry , stay foolish" - Steve Jobs or whatever.
My questions :
1) How to show correctly the different quotes with the correct authors passing 1 by 1 clicking on the buttons?
2) The buttons should show in order the quotes. I mean, 1 position back or 1 position ahead. How to advance 1 by 1 with them?
My current code it's able to display random quotes clicking on 1 button but with no authors (It was only a try). Here is it:
var frasesOcultas : [String] = ["El mundo pertenece a quienes tienen el valor de perseguir sus sueños", "Mantente alocado, mantente hambriento","Un día despertarás y descubrirás que ya no tienes tiempo para hacer las cosas que habías soñado, hazlo ahora","La mente siempre se rinde antes que el cuerpo", "Si puedes soñarlo lo puedes lograr" , "Nos acabamos convirtiendo en nuestras obsesiones" ]
@IBOutlet weak var labelFrases: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
@IBAction func previousButton(sender: AnyObject) {
let fraseAleatoria = Int(arc4random_uniform(6))
var frase1 = frasesOcultas[fraseAleatoria]
labelFrases.text = frase1
@IBAction func nextButton(sender: AnyObject) {
Surely you should just keep track of the number of the quote you are currently on and then increment or reduce that depending on which button is pressed?