Show form when checkbox is selected using icheck,js

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I am using icheck.js for fancy radio buttons and checkboxes. When I use them now its breaking the way my form used to work. I have a checkbox that when checked it should show a form but now when i check it nothing is happening. (Maybe because the actual checkbox it self is not being selected)

Any help with showing my form when the checkbox is selected would be greatly appreciated!

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-12">
        <div class="form-group i-checks">
            <input type="checkbox" name="anotherSeller1" id="anotherSeller1" onchange="valueChanged1()" />
            <em>Check this box if there is another seller.</em>

<div name="Form2" id="Form2" style="display: none;">


  checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue',
  radioClass: 'iradio_square-blue',
  increaseArea: '20%' // optional

function valueChanged1()
        $("#Form2 > .clearfix input:text").val("");
        $("#Form2 > select").val("");
        $("#anotherSeller2").prop("checked", false);
        $("#Form3 > .clearfix input:text").val("");
        $("#Form3 > select").val("");
        $("#anotherSeller3").prop("checked", false);
        $("#Form4 > .clearfix input:text").val("");
        $("#Form4 > select").val("");
        $("#anotherSeller4").prop("checked", false);
        $("#Form5 > .clearfix input:text").val("");
        $("#Form5 > select").val("");


There are 1 answers

mherzig On BEST ANSWER

Looks like this plugin doesn't actually check/uncheck the checkbox, it just keeps its own state. That's unfortunate. To work around this issue, use the events they provide:

  checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue',
  radioClass: 'iradio_square-blue',
  increaseArea: '20%' // optional
}).on('ifChanged', valueChanged1);

Adding the event handler to the end makes it work. Or, don't use the plugin and just style it yourself using CSS.

NOTE: I would also swap out the <em> for <label>, it makes it much easier to click on the checkbox if the whole line is active.