Should a honeypot captcha be more complicated than 'display: none;'?

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I'm needing to implement some form of captcha support for comments on my blog. I would really prefer a mostly passive approach, as in, no ReCaptcha. I'm thinking about doing a combination of honeypot and this. I don't exactly plan for my site to be specifically targeted by any spammers, but I want to definitely stop all the drive-by spam attacks.

So on to my question: With spam bots advancing in technology all the time, should I use something more complicated for hiding the hidden field than display: none? If so, then what would you suggest?


There are 2 answers


Unless spam is a serious problem on your blog, I'd just go for doing display: none.

You could also try the classic "What is 2 + 2" / "What color is the sky?" style questions.

Dirty Bird Design On

for human verification: I use a php function to generate a random number string, and echo it into a text box. Then require the user to enter it into a blank box. I use jQuery .validate to make sure the two are equal to each other.

for bot detection: I use a hidden input and then with my jQuery .validate script I make a custom rule that if the hidden input's value isn't blank it returns an error I also have this in my server side php validation. works pretty well.