We have a running Shopware 6.4.7 and our ERP system is importing products into it.
One of the API requests looks like this:
URL: https://www.example.com/api/_action/sync
additional header:
single-operation -> 1
indexing-behavior -> use-queue-indexing
"write-product-CONF-242732": {
"entity": "product",
"action": "upsert",
"payload": [...]
The payload contains
"configuratorSettings": [
"optionId": "cbdaf832e70950ee5b9135fa6535e9a8"
"optionId": "fa6549ff184c43be95d5db190d63ad8f"
"optionId": "61f4ff3cdc394b489ff4ba90627bf43a"
And the request fails with a horrible error message (due to multiple encodings)
{"errors":[{"code":"0","status":"500","title":"Internal Server Error","detail":"An exception occurred while executing \u0027INSERT INTO product_configurator_setting (id, version_id, product_id, product_version_id, property_group_option_id, created_at) VALUES (\u0027|F\ufffd\ufffdb\\u0022I\u02bd\ufffdS\u0002\ufffd(\ufffd;\u0027,\u0027\u000f\ufffd\u001c\ufffd\ufffdjK\u00beK\ufffd\ufffdu,4%\u0027,\u0027\u0228Z2\u003C_C\u0583\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\u0001\ufffdQ\ufffd\u0027,\u0027\u000f\ufffd\u001c\ufffd\ufffdjK\u00beK\ufffd\ufffdu,4%\u0027,\u0027\ufffd\ufffd2\ufffd\tP\ufffd[\ufffd5\ufffde5\ufffd\u0027,\u00272022-04-13 11:01:23.653\u0027);\u0027:\n\nSQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry \u0027\xC8\xA8Z2\u003C_C\xD6\x83\xE4\xF4\xC8\x01\x94Q\xDF-\x0F\xA9\x1C\xE3\\u0027 for key \u0027uniq.product_configurator_setting.prod_id.vers_id.prop_group_id\u0027"}]}
Let me translate it for you:
Duplicate entry on the key uniq.product_configurator_setting.prod_id.vers_id.prop_group_id
So from my point of view should Shopware recognise, that the entry in product_configurator_setting
already exist and either UPDATE it or even better just skip it, because no update is needed.
So the important question is:
- Is this intended behaviour?
- Is this a core bug?
- Does our ERP system somehow need to track, what is already imported to avoid this?
I'm a little puzzled and think, this is somewhat broken. I didn't dig down yet, why this happens, because hopefully someone already did :-)
The described behaviour of recognising the entity and updating it will in this case only find the given product and update that with the given payload, in your case new configuration options. That is intended behavior I guess.
You can either:
Currently at my phone and don’t have more in depth examples at hand. Hope this helps already.