shipping description CSS error woocommerce

53 views Asked by At

I am having an issue with adding a description to the shipping method I used this snippet to add description

add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shipping_rate', 'action_after_shipping_rate', 20, 2 );
function action_after_shipping_rate ( $method, $index ) {
    if( 'flat_rate:12' === $method->id ) {
        echo __("<p style=''>(موالح،المعبيلة،الحيل،عبري،نزوى،صحار،السويق،بركاء،المصنعة،ابراء،صور،هيما،صلالة،جعلان بني بوعلي،سناو،الكامل،روي)</p>");

but sadly it looks like this with snippet , without it, it looks like this "how it should look like" without snippet (normal look)


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