ShinySky select2Input Bug

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Here is my code for a very basic shiny app. It of requires the packages shiny as well as the shinysky library from github:

Here is a reproducible example:

 testing <- function() {
  shinyApp(ui = fluidPage(
                   "Multiple Select 2 Input",
                   choices = c("a","b","c"),
                   selected = c("b","a"), 
                   type = "select")  
  ), server = function(input, output){})


I am confused as to why even though I have choices as c("a", "b", "c"), the dropdown will only select b and have no other choices. I have also tried just selected = "b", but with no luck. I looked at the examples for shiny sky and I can't see what I am missing. The video tutorial showed the same type of dropdown but had "b" selected, yet the user could also click on "a" or "c" in the dropdown:

I may be missing something obvious, but I can't seem to find it right now. Thank you!


There are 1 answers

sechstein On

You have to add the parameter "multiple" in your select2Input and set it to TRUE (like it is in the video). It is FALSE by default.

               "Multiple Select 2 Input",
               choices = c("a","b","c"),
               selected = c("b","a"), 
               type = "select",

Edit: it doesn't work for me either. The select2Input may need an update. His exemple shinysky::run.shinysky.example() don't work anymore for Select2.