I've made a dashboard with shinydashboard and really like the ease of making a layout with the package! However, I'd like to use one of the themes from the shinythemes package. I'm familiar with the shinydashboard skins, but they aren't nearly as cool or modern as shinythemes. The shinythemes seem to work well with just shiny, but not with shinydashboard.
Anyone know how to get shinythemes to work with shinydashboard?
Thanks very much!
ie: start of dashboard: doesn't work:
ui <- dashboardPage( theme = shinytheme("spacelab"),
dashboardHeader(title = "I want this to look awesome!"),
There is a package (dashboardthemes) that allows modifying
themes. It is pretty straightforward to use.One of the available skins:
Alternatively, if you want to try some new skins go for semantic.dashboard which offers Bootswatch and Semantic-UI themes.