I am trying to write a small shiny app. Part of the app is summarizing text that the user pastes into a box then press an action button. I copied the text example from an online blog and it works outside of shiny
I used the action button code from shiny website
when I run the code below, I get this error Error in sentenceParse(text, docId = docId) : text must be character
I guessed this may be because the output from the text box (n or ntext) is not a factor. So I tried to change using as.factor(ntext)
but still without success.
I appreciate any guidance.
thank you
ui <- fluidPage(
textAreaInput("n", "Paste text and click submit", rows = 5),
actionButton("goButton", "Go!"),
server <- function(input, output) {
ntext <- eventReactive(input$goButton, {
#perform lexrank for top 3 sentences
top_3 = lexRankr::lexRank(ntext,
docId = rep(1, length(ntext)),
n = 3,
continuous = TRUE)
#reorder the top 3 sentences to be in order of appearance in article
order_of_appearance = order(as.integer(gsub("_","",top_3$sentenceId)))
#extract sentences in order of appearance
ordered_top_3 = top_3[order_of_appearance, "sentence"]
output$nText <- renderText({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You need to call the reactive function as
. Since it is a reactive it needs to be in aobserver
Width of the output can be controlled with a
. See the updated code below.