I just discovered the Shen language and so I installed it under my debian linux as an SBCL build and started to work through the Shen in 15 minutes tutorial.
I made it up to the point, where you turn on type checking, using
Shen, copyright (C) 2010-2015 Mark Tarver
www.shenlanguage.org, Shen 22.2
running under Common Lisp, implementation: SBCL
port 3.0.3 ported by Mark Tarver, Robert Koeninger and Bruno Deferrari
(tc +)
(define total
(list number) --> number
[] -> 0
[X | Y] -> (+ X (total Y)))
Entering the above sequence in the repl or storing it into a .shen
file and then (load "in15min.shen")
yields the unexpected:
[list number] is not a legitimate constructor
and trying to evaluate it anyway, I get a type error
as output.
So here my questions:
- Is the tutorial outdated and the syntax has changed?
- Or do I do something wrong?
The rendering from the style sheet has missed {}s.
is right.