I have a List with Webservice URL,username and password. I have created a custom tab and ribbon tab. The webservice URL return a large xml file as output. Now when the list item with the URL is selected and ribbon button is clicked i want to process the XML file and save the data in another list.
Should i write it in Javascript using the Button commandUIhandler or is it possible to write as a c# code ?.
could someone help me.
Thank you.
You have two ways:
Best way is to use Javascript because you are using GUI operations, and there is not such property in C# for list item with ListIten.IsSelected.
Edit: I found something than can help you
Get selected items from SharePoint 2010 list
SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems() Method
SharePoint 2010 Get ID of Selected List Item using C#
and ofcourse little google effort would help:
Google search result
for xml parsing i recommend to use jquery with jQuery.parseXML()