I want to share multiple PDF Documents with apples new ShareLink. I can share a single PDF Document by making my object transferable using the FileReprestation and giving my object into shareLink:
extension item: Transferable {
public static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation {
FileRepresentation(exportedContentType: .pdf) { item in
return SentTransferredFile(item.url, allowAccessingOriginalFile: false)
and using ShareLink in my view:
ShareLink(item: item, preview: SharePreview(Text(""))) {
Label("",systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up")
Another working option is giving ShareLink the URL of my PDF.
Now I want to share multiple PDF docs at the same time. I have an Array of Items ([Item]). Sadly ShareLink does not take and array of objects as input... How can I solve the problem?
you need to declare pdfs array and then pass it to 'items' argument
You can customize SharePreview for your needs. This sample code is just to show how pass multiple transferable items to ShareLink and share funcionality.