I want to define a SHACL PropertyShape to validate the object data type of a predicate without specifying a target class.
Here is an excerpt of the test ontology:
ex:Journey a owl:class .
ex:Stay a owl:Class .
ex:hasStartDate rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:label "Start Datum"@de ,
"Start date"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The start of an activity."@en .
I define the following PropertyShape to validate that the object of the ex:hasStartDate
property is always of type xsd:date
ex:startDateShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path ex:hasStartDate;
sh:datatype xsd:date .
This SHACL validation completely ignores this shape and the following data that should result in two violations is then valid:
ex:excursion1 a ex:Journey ;
ex:hasStartDate "1987" .
ex:stay1 a ex:Stay ;
ex:hasStartDate "1987" .
I don't want to add any sh:targetClass to my PropertyShape because I want this PropertyShape to be enforced independently on nodes of any type and irrespective of the subject of the triple. The reason behind this is that I want this property to be also validated when used with an RDF-star statement, as shown below: The following data should be valid:
<< ex:Bob ex:traveledTo dbr:London >> ex:hasStartDate "2023-02-10"^^xsd:date .
The following data should be invalid:
<< ex:Bob ex:traveledTo dbr:London >> ex:hasStartDate "2023-02-10" .
I would appreciate any hint.