SFINAE inside std::enable_if argument

619 views Asked by At

I have different view types, which each have a std::size_t View::dimension member constant, and a typename View::value_type member type.

The following compile-type check should verify if both From and To are views (verified using is_view<>), and the content of From can be assigned to To. (same dimensions, and convertible value types).

template<typename From, typename To>
struct is_compatible_view : std::integral_constant<bool,
    is_view<From>::value &&
    is_view<To>::value &&
    From::dimension == To::dimension &&
    std::is_convertible<typename From::value_type, typename To::value_type>::value
> { };

is_view<T> is such that it always evaluates to std::true_type or std::false_type, for any type T. The problem is that if From or To is not a view type, then From::dimension (for example) may not exist, and is_compatible_view<From, To> causes a compilation error. It should instead evaluate to std::false_type in this case.

is_compatible_view is used for SFINAE with std::enable_if, to disable member functions. For example a view class can have a member function

struct View {
    constexpr static std::size_t dimension = ...
    using value_type = ...

    template<typename Other_view>
    std::enable_if_t<is_compatible_view<Other_view, View>> assign_from(const Other_view&);

    void assign_from(const Not_a_view&);

Not_a_view is not a view, and causes a compilation error in is_compatible_view<Not_a_view, ...>. When calling view.assign_from(Not_a_view()), SFINAE does not apply, and instead a compilation error occurs when the compiler tries to resolve the first assign_from function.

How can is_compatible_view be written such that this works correctly? In C++17 does std::conjunction<...> allow this?


There are 1 answers


One approach is using something like std::conditional to delay evaluation of some parts of your type trait until we've verified that other parts of your type trait are already true.

That is:

// this one is only valid if From and To are views
template <class From, class To>
struct is_compatible_view_details : std::integral_constant<bool,
    From::dimension == To::dimension &&
    std::is_convertible<typename From::value_type, typename To::value_type>::value
> { };        

// this is the top level one
template<typename From, typename To>
struct is_compatible_view : std::conditional_t<
    is_view<From>::value && is_view<To>::value,
    is_compatible_view_details<From, To>,
{ };

Note that I'm using both conditional_t and ::type. is_compatible_view_details will only be instantiated if both From and To are views.

A similar approach would be to use std::conjunction with the above, which because of short-circuiting will similarly delay evaluation:

template <class From, class To>
struct is_compatible_view : std::conjunction_t<
    is_compatible_view_details<From, To>
{ };

Either way, you need to pull out the details.

A third approach would be to use enable_if_t as a specialization:

template <class From, class To, class = void>
struct is_compatible_view : std::false_type { };

template <class From, class To>
struct is_compatible_view<From, To, std::enable_if_t<
    is_view<From>::value &&
    is_view<To>::value &&
    From::dimension == To::dimension &&
    std::is_convertible<typename From::value_type, typename To::value_type>::value>>
: std::true_type { };

Here, if any of the expressions in the enable_if_t are ill-formed, SFINAE kicks in and we just use the primary template, which is false_type.