I have deployed the individual spinnaker components to kubernetes and when I am trying to access spinnaker through http://localhost:9000 I get an empty response from the server. I verified the configuration for clouddriver-local.yml, spinnaker-local.yml and everything seems good. Am i missing anything here? when I am trying to curl localhost:9000, I get an empty response from the server here is the kubernetes setup info
Setting up Spinnaker on Kubernetes and accessing spinnaker UI
886 views Asked by Lakshmi Narayanan At
Hi Spinnaker has evolved by this time and it should be easier to set up by now. If you want to do PoC only or deploy to small enterprise projects then i suggest you use Armory's Minnaker
Now if you want to deploy large projects to a robust and fully enhanced kubernetes cluster then that is a different story and the steps are as it follows:
hal deploy
For more details refer to
Hope the guideline helps