I'm using Celery 4.0.1
with Django 1.10
and I have troubles scheduling tasks (running a task works fine). Here is the celery configuration:
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myapp.settings')
app = Celery('myapp')
app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
app.conf.BROKER_URL = 'amqp://{}:{}@{}'.format(settings.AMQP_USER, settings.AMQP_PASSWORD, settings.AMQP_HOST)
app.conf.CELERY_DEFAULT_EXCHANGE = 'myapp.celery'
app.conf.CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE = 'myapp.celery_default'
app.conf.CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER = 'json'
app.conf.CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT = ['json']
app.conf.BROKER_POOL_LIMIT = 2
app.conf.CELERY_QUEUES = (
Then in tasks.py I have:
def my_task(some_id):
print("Doing something with", some_id)
In views.py I want to schedule this task:
def my_view(request, id):
app.add_periodic_task(10, my_task.s(id))
Then I execute the commands:
sudo systemctl start rabbitmq.service
celery -A myapp.celery_app beat -l debug
celery worker -A myapp.celery_app
But the task is never scheduled. I don't see anything in the logs. The task is working because if in my view I do:
def my_view(request, id):
The task is executed.
If in my configuration file if I schedule the task manually, like this it works:
'add-every-30-seconds': {
'task': 'tasks.my_task',
'schedule': 10.0,
'args': (66,)
I just can't schedule the task dynamically. Any idea?
EDIT: (13/01/2018)
Actually you can't not define periodic task at the view level, because the beat schedule setting will be loaded first and can not be rescheduled at runtime:
which means if you want to use
it should be wrapped within anon_after_configure
handler at the celery app level and any modification on runtime will not take effect:As mentioned in the doc the the regular celerybeat simply keep track of task execution:
In order to be able to dynamically manage periodic tasks and reschedule celerybeat at runtime:
The tasks will be persisted in django database and the scheduler could be updated in task model at the db level. Whenever you update a periodic task a counter in this tasks table will be incremented, and tells the celery beat service to reload the schedule from the database.
A possible solution for you could be as follow: