I'm using PDFBox to fill form fields in a pdf using below code:
PDField nameField = form.getField("name");
if(null != nameField){
nameField.setValue(data.get("name")); // data is a hashmap
The problem is, if the text is long it doesn't split to multiple lines, even though I have enabled the "multi-line" option for the field in the pdf. Do I have to do anything from the code as well to enable this?
It would solve it. In my case, I have a height of 20 for a non multiline text and another of 80 for a multiline textfield.You can see them being the last argument of the PDRectangle constructor. The PDRectangle class is used to specify the position and the dimension of the widget that sets it's rectangle to it. The texfield widget will appear as specified by the PDRectangle.