Set the zoom for MKMapCamera and MKUserTrackingMode to be equal in a view controller

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I'm using both MKUserTrackingMode and MKMapCamera in the same ViewController to be able to track the user when they're navigating and to rotate the camera accordingly as the user travels along their route. MKUserTrackingMode zooms into a certain level, about 4,700 meters above the current location (using the iPhone 6 simulator) and MKMapCamera makes you specificy the eyeAltitude. Is there a way to make the MKMapCamera zoom level equal to the MKUserTrackingMode so that it doesn't first zoom to satisfy the MKMapCamera parameter then readjust to accompany the MKUserTrackingMode function?

MKMapCamera is in convenience init and MKUserTrackingMode is in viewDidAppear


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