Set NODE_ENV from Grunt task

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I would like to set the NODE_ENV variable at the beginning of a Grunt task, to development or production, but it looks it's not as simple as I thought.

The reason, why I would like this is that I use grunt-webpack, which expects NODE_ENV to be set correctly to "development" or "production". But I also would like to initialize my tasks exclusively from grunt, if possible.

I created the following test Gruntfile, using the grunt-shell and cross-env modules:

function log(err, stdout, stderr, cb, e) {
    if (err) {


module.exports = function(grunt) {

        shell: {
            dev: {
                command : 'cross-env NODE_ENV="development"',
                options: {
                    callback: log
            dist: {
                command : 'cross-env NODE_ENV="production"',
                options: {
                    callback: log



Line 6 of log() should echo the actual value of process.env.NODE_ENV, but it constantly says undefined, even if I check it manually in the node console.

If I set it manually from the terminal, like set NODE_ENV=production (set is for Windows), everywhere echoes the value production, as I would like it to.


There are 2 answers


Your test won't work because grunt-shell runs a child_process and your callback runs after it ends and under the main process.
Same thing would happen with cross-env.

If you want to pass an environment variable to grunt-shell, you should use the options configuration according to the documentation.
For example:

    shell: {
        dev: {
            command : 'echo %NODE_ENV%', //windows syntax
            options: {
                execOptions: {
                    env: {
                        'NODE_ENV': 'dev'
                callback: log

This will still print undefined for process.env.NODE_ENV, but the value of NODE_ENV will be available in the stdout because of the echo.

On a side note, it sounds like you're trying to run a process (grunt-shell), which runs a process (cross-env), which runs a process (webpack or grunt-webpack).
Why not just use the cross-env example usage? It looks pretty close to what you need.
Or you can just define the variable in the task config itself and lose all of these wrappers.

bencergazda On

LifeQuery's answer helped me a lot to find out what the problem actually was. I first realized that webpack.DefinePlugin() actually doesn't change anything on process.env.NODE_ENV (and it would be too late anyway, as it transforms code parsed by webpack after all loaders).

After this I created a solution, which does what I want. This is how my customized Gruntfile.js begins:

'use strict';

const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = function (grunt) {

    // Setting the node environment based on the tasks's name or target
    let set_NODE_ENV = function () {
        const devTasks = ['webpack-dev-server', 'dev', 'hmr', 'watch'],
            devTargets = [':dev'],
            task = grunt.cli.tasks[0], // The name of the (first) task we initialized grunt with ('webpack-dev-server' if started 'grunt webpack-dev-server)
            target = ':'+grunt.option('target'),
            devEnv = (devTasks.indexOf(task) > -1 || devTargets.indexOf(target) > -1);

        process.env.NODE_ENV = devEnv ? 'development' : 'production';

    const webpackConfig = require('../assets/webpack.config');

        // ...usual Gruntfile content


I created a whitelist of grunt task names and targets when I set the process.env.NODE_ENV. As it is placed before the grunt.initConfig(), the configuration object can use process.env.NODE_ENV with the desired state.

It will set NODE_ENV to "development" if starting definitely webpack-dev-server, dev, hmr or watch tasks, or any other tasks with the :dev target.