Set environment variables in Counterclockwise

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I am trying to set production and dev profiles in Eclipse in order to deploy my compojure/ring app on Heroku. However, the Counterclockwise plug-in doesn't load up environment variables from the profile. I have added the variables in the environment tab and have restarted the REPL but the variables are still not available. This is how I added them: environment variables.

I have also tried adding the variables to profiles.clj but to no avail:

        {:open-browser? false, 
         :stacktraces? false, 
         :auto-reload? false}
       :env {:port 3000
           :db-url "//localhost/login"
           :db-user "test"
           :db-pass "test"
           :galleries-path "test"}}
        {:dependencies [[ring-mock "0.1.5"]
                        [ring/ring-devel "1.2.0"]]
        :env {:port 3000
              :db-url "//localhost/gallery"
              :db-user "test"
              :db-pass "testProd"
              :galleries-path "galleries"}}}`

There are 1 answers

Daniel Compton On

When you use environ, it automatically coerces "DB_URL" into the more idiomatic :db-url. Looking at environ's coercion code, it doesn't seem like it should matter, but I would try uppercasing and underscoring all of the environment variables you have set in the Environment tab.