Set cover problem with unknown elements inside of subset

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The problem is:

Tommy has a square house with size N divided into cell and he want to place sensor detection devices around the house for security. Each sensor can detect up to K step count from the position it is placed. There are M positions inside the house which is pole and sensor can not detect through it. He plans to place at max 5 devices and wondering how to use a minimum number of devices to cover the whole house.

Let visualize the sample like below (= is empty cell and o is pole cell)






If he place the device (D) at position (3, 4) the device coverage will be visualized as below (the number inside each cell indicate the instance from the device)






My question is:

Is there any optimal solution to solve this problem?

I have searched and read some article about Set Cover, Exact Cover problem but could not find out the way to implement it to solve the problem above.


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