Set a field in all the children of an item

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I have an Item in sitecore lets say "AddressItem" that has some children. I want to edit a Field "IsMain" in all the child items.

I am using Foreach loop. Is there some better way to achieve this.

foreach (Sitecore.Data.Items.Item child in AddressItem.Children)
    using (new SecurityDisabler())
        child.Fields["IsMain"].Value = "0";

There are 1 answers

Jason Horne On BEST ANSWER

Its probably faster to set the IsMain fields standard value to 0 then reset all items to that standard value. There is no function for that out of the box but the below code will do it.

This function is a little more robust then your requirement but its the code I have as is.

First you need a user with the correct permissions to replace: ElevatedUserAccount

Next get the list of items you would like to reset the values for then create a list of fields you wish to reset. In your case AddressItem.Children and IsMain.

Finally pass them into the below methods.

public void ResetFields(List<Item> items, List<string> fields)
    if (items.Any() && fields.Any())
        foreach (Item item in items)
           ResetFieldsOnItem(item, fields);

public void ResetFieldsOnItem(Item item, List<string> fields)
    if (item != null && fields.Any())
        using (new Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher(ElevatedUserAccount, true))

            foreach (string field in fields)
