Now.js quotes:
Simply pass a connect or express http server in nowjs.initialize and this.user.session should be available.
express = require 'express'
app = module.exports = express.createServer()
connect = require 'connect'
nowjs = require 'now'
everyone = nowjs.initialize(app)
The output of this.user is:
clientId: '353725111301231610',
cookie: { 'connect.sid': 's0meC00k1e1nF0rm4ti0n' },
session: undefined
Any idea why session is undefined?
I ran into this problem and turns out it was happening because I was initializing NowJS before configuring express.
One thing to note is that session is not set until a request is made to the server so if the server is reset, the client socket will reconnect but session will be undefined until the browser does a page refresh.