I am stuck with a performance related issue. I have a ROR application running on VPS. I am posting my question here after having spent lot of time on internet regarding this issue and was not able to find reliable solution. My ROR application has nearly 300 premium videos and 200 pdf's, after registration user is allowed to watch Free Videos. If the user upgrades account by making payment, then he/she can watch premium videos.
Currently I am serving video file using send file method, below is the code.
def download
head(:not_found) and return if (track = Video.find_by_id(params[:id])).nil?
#head(:forbidden) and return unless track.downloadable?(current_user)
path = track.video.path(params[:style])
head(:bad_request) and return unless File.exist?(path) && params[:format].to_s == File.extname(path).gsub(/^\.+/, '')
contenttype = MIME::Types.type_for(path).first.content_type # => "image/gif"
send_file_options = { :type => contenttype }
when :apache then send_file_options[:x_sendfile] = true
when :nginx then head(:x_accel_redirect => path.gsub(Rails.root, ''), :content_type => send_file_options[:type]) and return
send_file(path, send_file_options)
My question here is,
- what is this right way to serve premium video's via rails application.(My Client VPS has only 1 GB RAM ) and videos are saved in FILE SYSTEM on VPS. My concern is that, if my application gets more than a 100 request at a time, ROR app may fail to server request. I also thought of placing it in public folder, but the videos are only for Paid user, so I cant put them in public videos.
Any help or link to solution is highly appreciated.. Many Thanks :)
If you really want to support serving static content at high volumes, don't put the load on your web server, especially if it's not that strong.
Keep your server resources for stuff that are your core business logic (like managing accounts and permissions) and delegate serving static content to other dedicated services.
I'm only familiar with the AWS suite so I can recommend the following:
As for prices - you can see at the products' pages. It's pretty cheap in my opinion and definitely worth the money considering the scalability it gives you. You might have some learning-curve at the beginning to start working with their APIs but it's really not that difficult and plenty of tutorials are available.
Equivalent solutions (from other vendors) do exist. I'd recommend looking around to see what fits you best.
Good luck!