Serving pre-roll , mid - roll and post - roll ads using dfp without IMA sdk

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I am trying to integrate advertising to non - standard platforms, for which IMA sdk is not supported. Assuming I am using VAST with google Double Click for Publishers, is it too much of work to write my own sdk / VAST parser to display the ads ? Is is sane to write a VAST parser and play ads by configuring the platform specific video player to play the ads , and fire the required events using HTTP get or post requests to the DFP ? is the effort equivalent to writing a huge library altogether or just a small plug - in ?


There are 1 answers

andzrev On

For which platform(s) are you trying to use IMA? If the native SDKs (Android and iOS) don't work on your platform, you can always use the HTML5 SDK with custom playback enabled. In Custom Playback (see IMA HTML5 Rendering), the SDK will intelligently make a decision whether to use one player or two players for ad and content playback.

For example, if you want to serve ads on your Chromecast, while IMA doesn't have a native plugin for Chromecast, you would use the HTML5 SDK with custom playback enabled to allow for a seamless experience. Custom playback should work across multiple platforms and video players, given you pass your player reference to the SDK.