I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to get these to work.
I currently have a file that is named "included.html" that I would like to be posted on another page, "a.html". The "included.html" contains both HTML and CSS. So within "a.html", I pasted the following code:
<!--#include file="included.html" -->
That did not work. I contacted my hosting service to make sure they supported SSI and they said they did, just in the .shtml format.
So, I changed the file name to "included.shtml" and changed my code within "a.html" to the following:
<!--#include file="included.shtml" -->
Still does not work. I've even messed around with changing #include file to #include virtual. Doesn't work.
Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
Your server host is supporting SSI in pages that have the .shtml extension. Therefore, your
must be in a file with a .shtml extension, and the pages being included don't necessarily need the same extensions.