Suppose, there is "Account" table in DB "A", and there is "ConversationHistory" table in DB "B".
My pseudo initialized script is:
// Connection Script
var db1 = new Sequelize("A", user, password)
var db2 = new Sequelize("B", user, password)
// Association
Account.hasMany(ConversationHistory, {foreignKey: "sender_id", as: "conversations", constraints: false})
ConversationHistory.belongsTo(Account, {foreignKey: "sender_id", as: "sender", constraints: false});
// But when I use include in findMethod like
where: {
include: [{
model: Account,
where: { userId: userId },
as: "sender"
and the result of this findAll is an error about cannot find Account table on database "B" (it implicitly uses B.Account and B.ConversationHistory, but I want to use A.Account, instead).
Is it possible to join across multiple databases without using raw query ? I have searched the option on the SequelizeJS docs, but cannot find how to do it :(
Thank you.