I make my application for sending a POST request that sends GPS coordinates, but unfortunately it is realized that sometimes he sent 3 and 5 or even 1 .
So I do not understand why the same coordinates are sent multiple times.
//Méthode appelée au démarrage du Service
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId)
showNotification();//Appel de la méthode qui créé la barre de Notification
if (monLocationManager != null && monLocationProvider != null) {
//Vérification toutes les 30 secondes (40000 millisecondes ) si la position change
//d'au moins 20 métres. Si c'est le cas, l'écouteur (instance de MajListener)
//va etre averti
monLocationManager.requestLocationUpdates(monLocationProvider, 30000, 20, new MajListener(this));
// Si le service est tué il ne redémarrera pas
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
Furthermore , I believe with the emulator we not have this problem
Thank you