I've got a Google AppEngine Python application connected with my domain.
I want to be able to send emails from any email, like: mailname@mydomain.com
So I use sendmail() and set mailobject.sender = "[email protected]", but it does not work.
Also I made a receive function, but I don't want to receive mails here, so I just made
def receive(self, mail):
In Google Documentation https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/mail/receivingmail :
- Any valid email receiving address for the app (such as [email protected]).
- Any valid email receiving address of a domain account, such as [email protected]. Domain accounts are accounts outside of the Google domain with email addresses that do not end in @gmail.com or @APP-ID.appspotmail.com.
What should I add to the application in order to be able to send mails?
From https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/mail/emailmessagefields
This means that there is no documented way to send from *@example.org. I thought that there was a way if your @example.org was a google apps domain but I cannot find any docs on that.