I am using OdooRPC to send sign request in Odoo.
The process consist in 4 Parts:
- Send the document to Sign to Odoo.
- Send the fields to sign in the document, can be text field type or sign field.
- Prepare the email template with the document and the signers (contacts from Odoo) to sign request.
- Send the sign request email.
The code to prepare the request is:
request_fields = {
'template_id': template_id,
'signer_ids': [[0, 'virtual_25', {'role_id': 2, 'partner_id': employee_id1}],
[0, "virtual_37", {'role_id': 3, 'partner_id': employee_id2}]],
'signer_id': False,
'signers_count': 2,
'has_default_template': True,
'is_user_signer': False,
'follower_ids': [[6, False, []]],
'subject': 'Sign Request',
'filename': 'document_to_sign.pdf',
'message_cc': '<p><br></p>',
'attachment_ids': [[6, False, []]],
'message': '<p>Hi.</p><p>Sign this document, no reply</p>'
# Prepare email request
sign_email = self.odoo.env['sign.send.request']
email_id = sign_email.create(request_fields)
After create the email template, I can tell Odoo to send the sign request
# Prepare email request
sign_email = self.odoo.env['sign.send.request']
email_id = sign_email.create(request_fields) # int type
request_sign = sign_email.send_request(email_id)
The answer method doesn't show any error:
{'name': 'file_name.pdf', 'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'sign.Document', 'context': {'id': 1234, 'token': 'abcd-1234-efgh-5678', 'sign_token': None, 'create_uid': 9, 'state': 'sent', 'request_item_states': {'1234': False, '1235': False}}}
The method 'send_request' create the email in Odoo, but it doesn't deliver the email to the recipents.
have you configured
outgoing mail server
in odoo which is insettings>technical>outgoing mail server
if not please configure it, if yes then check insettings>technical>email
if the email is sent from your side then a record will be created in it. please check it and update those information in the question in order to help you better.