I need to send a message to a method with signature (bbb)
. Monitoring the system calls, I see that the datatype sent to this method is variant:struct
I am able to send simple, not nested, data types with
DBUS_SEND = ["dbus-send", "--system", "--dest=com.destination",
"--type=method_call", "--print-reply", "/com/destination",
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set", "string:\"com.destination\"",
"string:\"color\"", "variant:string:\"black\""]
dbus_send_command = ' '.join(n for n in DBUS_SEND)
subprocess.call(['ssh', '-tt', 'user@machine', dbus_send_command])
The problem is thatdbus-send
does not support neither nested containers, nor struct
, and gdbus
is not available on the remote.
Would it be possible to use pydbus
or any other alternatives to send messages with nested containers to a remote machine?
There is a
installed on the machine, so we can send this type of message