I need to have the same base Group Policy settings on multiple non-domain Windows 10 systems. If the computer is joined to a domain, I would like those settings to form the base policy over which the Domain GPOs are placed. I can create a GPO in Server 2016, but how do I get the non-domain system to use it?
Alternatively, is there a better way to do this?
For reference, this needs to be done to many computers, each of which will be delivered to a different customer. The customer will have the ability to join it to their Domain if they wish.
I've been digging some more, and I believe I have found a solution. It will require additional testing to verify that this will work for me, but it looks good so far.
LGPO.exe V1.0 https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/secguide/2016/01/21/lgpo-exe-local-group-policy-object-utility-v1-0/
V2.0 Prerelease https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/secguide/2016/09/23/lgpo-exe-v2-0-pre-release-support-for-mlgpo-and-reg_qword/
While these tools can't work from a Server GPO, they allow a local policy on a computer to be exported, then imported into another system.
These tools are the replacement for the unmaintained LocalGPO tool that ships (shipped?) with SCCM.