Send generated audio to UILocalNotification

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I have an alarm app that plays .mp3 alarms and uses one .wav for local notifications.

As an update I just spent laying down a massive amount of code setting up and upgrade system that convers the allocated MP3s into Wavs,, so the user will hear any of the chosen alarms even in local notifs.

Now that I finished EVERYTHING it turns out I need to pull local notif .wavs from the main bundle, but you cant write to the main bundle.

Joke's on me....

From what I've found this is a lost cause but maybe some has a work around. Or does anione thing its worth making contact with apple?

P.S. Upgrade system is a nice pice of work, background multi treated, robust for future upgrades, takes 8 seconds to convert 24 mp3s on iphone 4.... So sad....


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You cannot play app-generated audio in UILocalNotifications (exception: jailbroken devices) because writing to the main bundle is not permitted as you already stated. You should have known that before starting the project.