Send data from one module to another module with type safety

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My Question

What design would allow me to optionally pass data between two modules without the absence of type safety? Is such a thing possible?


I have 2 modules derived from the class

abstract class Module {
    public abstract void init(App app);
    public abstract void exit(App app);
    public abstract void process(App app);
    public abstract void paint(Graphics g);

The App class tracks which module is the current module and allows that module to handle execution:

class App {
    private Map<Class<? extends Module>, Module> allModules = ...;
    private Module currentModule;

    //things to be used in modules
    private Canvas canvas;

    protected void start() {
        allModules.put(FirstModule.class, new FirstModule());

        currentModule = ...;

    protected void process() {

    protected void paint(Graphics g) {

    public void switchModule(Class<? extends Module> module) {
        //perform validation
        Module next = allModules.get(module);

        currentModule = next;

    //expose items that modules will use
    public Canvas getCanvas() {
        return canvas;

Now, the first module is responsible for gathering "settings" specified by the user; they will be shown checkboxes to choose from, then click a button which stores info about which checkbox was checked:

class First extends Module {
    private boolean firstBoxChecked, secondBoxChecked, thirdBoxChecked;

    public void init(App app) {

    public void process(App app) {
        if(buttonClicked) {
            //pass data to next module

So at some point during the execution of a module, it will switch the current module. There are times where I would want to pass data between the current module and the module I am switching to (from First to Second).

My Attempt

The only "efficient" way I can think of is to replicate Android's switching activities design (using an Intent like object):

ModuleSwitchAction action = new ModuleSwitchAction(Second.class);
action.put("firstBoxChecked", "true");

The person in the other class would need to know the exact key names, without any warning at compile time if they messed something up. Is there a safer way to do this?


There are 1 answers

Raman Shrivastava On

I think what you're looking for is "chain of responsibility" design pattern. Check here -