I had an idea that would require me be able to send and receive messages via the standard messenger protocols such as msn, icq, aim, skype, etc...
I am currently only familiar with PHP and Python and would thus enjoy a library which I can access from said languages. I have found phurple (http://sourceforge.net/projects/phurple/) for php and python-purple (http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/PythonHowTo) which don't seem to be to up to date. What would you guys suggest to do? My goal will be to write a webapplication in a distant way like meebo.com
The answer should include a tutorial or example implementation and a decent documentations.. the pidgin.im doesn't really have a useful tutorial..
alternativly you can also just tell me different kinds of implementations, so that I would build my own class out of an existing icq, aim, msn etc implementation.
An example of how to connect to an account (login) and then sending one message would be the ultimate help!
Come one guys :)
Here is how to connect to the Pidgin DBus server.
Don't know if you have seen this, but here is the official python DBus tutorial: link.
EDIT: Re-adding link to the pidgin dev wiki. It teaches you everything I posted above, just scroll further down the page. http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/PythonHowTo