I am trying to bring the following grammar into the Haskell language :
data Expr
= Var String
| Bool Bool
| Int Int
| Float Float
| BinaryOp Op Expr Expr
| UnaryOp UnaryOp Expr
| App Expr Expr
| If Expr Expr Expr
| Let String Expr Expr
| Lambda String Type Expr
| Record [(String, Expr)]
| Prj String Expr
| Pair Expr Expr
| Fst Expr
| Snd Expr
| Inl Type Expr
| Inr Type Expr
| Case Expr String Expr String Expr
deriving (Show, Eq)
data UnaryOp = Negate | Not | Pot | Sqrt deriving (Show, Eq)
data Op
= ArithOp ArithOp
| CompOp CompOp
| LogicalOp LogicalOp
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ArithOp = Plus | Times | Minus | Div | Mod deriving (Show, Eq)
data CompOp = Eq | Lt | Gt | Leq | Geq deriving (Show, Eq)
data LogicalOp = And | Or deriving (Show, Eq)
And roughly speaking I have the evalStep function that does a single evaluation step anxiously:
-- Function to perform one evaluation step.
evalStep :: Expr -> Expr
-- Evaluation of integer expressions (Int).
evalStep (Int x) = Int x
-- Evaluation of Boolean expressions (Bool)
evalStep (Bool b) = Bool b
evalStep (Float f) = Float f
-- Evaluation of variable expressions (Var)
evalStep (Var v) = Var v
-- Evaluation of binary expressions
evalStep (BinaryOp op e1 e2) =
case evalBinaryOp (BinaryOp op (evalStep e1) (evalStep e2)) of
Just result -> result
Nothing -> error ("Binary operation cannot be processed" ++ show op ++ show e1 ++ show e2)
-- Evaluation of unary expressions
evalStep (UnaryOp Negate (Int x)) = Int (-x)
evalStep (UnaryOp Not (Bool b)) = Bool (not b)
-- Remaining unary operations...
-- Evaluation of conditional expressions
evalStep (If (Bool True) e2 _) = e2
evalStep (If (Bool False) _ e3) = e3
evalStep (If e1 e2 e3) =
let e1' = evalStep e1
in If e1' e2 e3
-- Evaluation of let expressions
evalStep (Let var e1 e2) = substituteVar var e1 e2
evalStep (App (Lambda argName argType body) argExpr) = substituteVar argName argExpr body
-- Evaluation of lambda expressions (Lambda)
evalStep (Lambda argName argName argType body) = Lambda argName argType (evalStep body)
evalStep (Fst e) = case evalStep e of
Pair fst _ -> evalStep fst
_ -> error "Expected a Pair in Fst"
evalStep (Snd e) = case evalStep e of
Pair _ snd -> evalStep snd
_ -> error "Expected a Pair in Snd"
evalStep (Pair e1 e2) = Pair (evalStep e1) (evalStep e2)
-- Rest of the cases of expressions according to the grammar
evalStep expr = error ("NO pull" ++ show expr) -- For expressions that don't have an evaluation step
The problem is that with some tests I get to something like App (Var v) e2
and I don't know if my function is doing something wrong or I should treat that issue separately (in theory it should happen that I always have App (Lambda v e1 e2) e2'