I'm trying to run CI/CD runners and agents with Azure Container Apps jobs as per the microsoft documentation -


When I'm trying to run a placeholder job , the job is failing with error "Job has reached the specified backoff limit" , there are no further or detailed logs to see where it is failing.

Github repo for creating docker image and startup script is https://github.com/Azure-Samples/container-apps-ci-cd-runner-tutorial/blob/main/Dockerfile.azure-pipelines

Please anyone faced this issue guide me!!


There are 1 answers

Krzysztof Madej On

When you create a job using this code

az containerapp job create -n "$PLACEHOLDER_JOB_NAME" -g "$RESOURCE_GROUP" --environment "$ENVIRONMENT" \
    --trigger-type Manual \
    --replica-timeout 300 \
    --replica-retry-limit 1 \
    --replica-completion-count 1 \
    --parallelism 1 \
    --cpu "2.0" \
    --memory "4Gi" \
    --secrets "personal-access-token=$AZP_TOKEN" "organization-url=$ORGANIZATION_URL" \
    --env-vars "AZP_TOKEN=secretref:personal-access-token" "AZP_URL=secretref:organization-url" "AZP_POOL=$AZP_POOL" "AZP_PLACEHOLDER=1" "AZP_AGENT_NAME=placeholder-agent" \
    --registry-server "$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME.azurecr.io"

You define there --replica-retry-limit 1. The error you got just says that you reached that limit. So you could try increase it. However, the issue probably is somewhere else. Please check logs in Azure Portal, maybe there you will find a reason why your job failed.