Selectize.js items overflow input width

935 views Asked by At

when adding long items to a Selectize input, the input grows taller, in my case overlaying other input below:

enter image description here

How can I make the items get rendered on the right, keeping the input height? I found this plugin: NoWrap Plugin

But to be honest I couldn't get it working, maybe because he uses LESS, or I dont know what to do. I'm rendering only e-mails and creating items on the fly using the exact code of their page:

var REGEX_EMAIL = '([a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@' +

    persist: false,
    maxItems: null,
    valueField: 'email',
    labelField: 'name',
    searchField: ['name', 'email'],
    options: [
        {email: '[email protected]', name: 'Brian Reavis'},
        {email: '[email protected]', name: 'Nikola Tesla'},
        {email: '[email protected]'}
    render: {
        item: function(item, escape) {
            return '<div>' +
                ( ? '<span class="name">' + escape( + '</span>' : '') +
                ( ? '<span class="email">' + escape( + '</span>' : '') +
        option: function(item, escape) {
            var label = ||;
            var caption = ? : null;
            return '<div>' +
                '<span class="label">' + escape(label) + '</span>' +
                (caption ? '<span class="caption">' + escape(caption) + '</span>' : '') +
    createFilter: function(input) {
        var match, regex;

        // [email protected]
        regex = new RegExp('^' + REGEX_EMAIL + '$', 'i');
        match = input.match(regex);
        if (match) return !this.options.hasOwnProperty(match[0]);

        // name <[email protected]>
        regex = new RegExp('^([^<]*)\<' + REGEX_EMAIL + '\>$', 'i');
        match = input.match(regex);
        if (match) return !this.options.hasOwnProperty(match[2]);

        return false;
    create: function(input) {
        if ((new RegExp('^' + REGEX_EMAIL + '$', 'i')).test(input)) {
            return {email: input};
        var match = input.match(new RegExp('^([^<]*)\<' + REGEX_EMAIL + '\>$', 'i'));
        if (match) {
            return {
                email : match[2],
                name  : $.trim(match[1])
        alert('Invalid email address.');
        return false;

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