I'm building a Shiny app that adds different values together into a bar chart. I've gotten the user input numericInput functions to work, but the selectInput function is bugging. Is there a simple way I can get numeric values from these selectInput() functions? There must be!
# values for the selectInput.
Buyback <- 10
Dump <- 30
Reuse <- 20
rec_choice <- data.frame(Buyback, Dump, Reuse)
# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Shiny app with buggy inputSelect"),
# Sidebar with input.
helpText("Product 1 information:"),
# Numeric inputs, works!
inputId = "price_1",
label = "Purchase Price",
value = "0",
min = 0,
width = '50%'
inputId = "install_1",
label = "Installation cost",
value = "0",
min = 0,
width = '50%'
# here is the select input function
selectInput("disposal_1", "Recycling cost",
#I though this approach may work, but no luck.
# selectInput("disposal_2", "Recycling cost",
# choices = c("Buyback" = 10,
# "Dump" = 20,
# "Reuse" = 5)),
# server side.
server <- function(input, output) {
select_price <- reactive({
# error says I've got a "non-numeric argument to binary operator."
c(input$price_1 + input$install_1 + input$disposal_1)
You can see that I need to sum values together in a reactive function. The selectInput() may not be written out correctly, or perhaps there is a clever way to make the "input$disposal_1" argument produce a numeric value?
# The chart output:
my_bar <- output$costPlot <- renderPlot({
beside = T,
las=2 ,
col=c(rgb(0.3,0.9,0.4,0.6) ,
rgb(0.3,0.9,0.4,0.6)) ,
space = 3,
main="" )
abline(v=c(4.9 , 6.1) , col="grey")
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
the answer is remarkably straight forward: wrap the input$disposal argument in as.numeric()
select_price <- reactive({ c(input$price_1 + input$install_1 + as.numeric(input$disposal_1))
wow, haha. I thought an answer would be much more complicated!