The select function is returning +ve value when some packets reach the UDP port as expected. But this happens only once. From second time when a packet is received on the UDP port, the function is not responding for that. But in the first time after receiving the UDP packet if I do a sendto() on the same socket, the select function is responding. What would be the reason for this behaviour?
The code:
while (true)
IP_FD_ZERO (&readFD);
IP_FD_SET (ipSock, &readFD);
if (select( &readFD, NULL, NULL, 2000 ) > 0)
if (IP_FD_ISSET( ipSock, &readFD )) //activity on UDP socket
addrlen = sizeof(SocketAddrIn_t);
noOfbytes = recvfrom( ipSock,
(SocketAddr_t *)&from,
(int*)&addrlen );
Bzzt. The fourth parameter to
is astruct timeval *
, not an integer. See the man page.