I have a select n bottom records in table and return a concatenate values in same row. This is code is ok but not return n bottom records:
SELECT '; ' +
ISNULL(Val1, '') + '; ' +
ISNULL(Val2, '') + '; ' +
ISNULL(Val3, '') + '; ' +
ISNULL(Val4), '')
FROM Table_x
FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 2, '') AS val;
I writed other query return n bottom recods but I need to use KEPServerEX with ODBC conections and it only support SELECT and EXECUTE:
SELECT @max_id = MAX(id) FROM table_x
SET @max_id = @max_id - 20
SELECT '; ' +
ISNULL(val1, '') + '; ' +
ISNULL(val2, '') + '; ' +
ISNULL(val3, '') + '; ' +
ISNULL(val4, 14), '')
FROM table_x
WHERE id > @max_id
) AS Latest_rec
FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 2, '') AS val;
I need to have a long word of the return. Ex.: val1;val2 ; val3; val4; val1; val2; val3; val4.
I use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP3) - 11.0.6020.0 (X64) Express Edition (64-bit). But the problem is KEPServerEX which only accepts SELECT and EXECUTE.
In moment, i not find other query return n bottom records in same row supported by KEPServerEX.
Select last 20 rows when ordered by id. Return in ASC order, with a single query