Secured Web service call from microsite in Exacttarget

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is it possible to make a Secured Webservice call from Microsite to other system? I am referring to outbound request when I am trying to call a secured web service of a third party system from a microsite. The third party has shared their client id and secret. However i am not able to hit their service using HTTPPOST2 method as below:

%%=HTTPPost2(@url,'application/json', @Json, true, @output,@respheader, 'client_id', 'CLient_ID_Here', 'client_secret',

'Client_Secret_Here','frms_tid','123232','frms_appid','SFMC','frms_source','SFMC','frms_region','TSJ1','frms_transactiontimestamp' ,'2017-07-24 14:14:31.794')=%% But i am getting an error 400 bad request.

I reached out to salesforce team and they said "you need a CORS exception to allow a cross site reference for the web service".

I am not sure what CORS exception in and how is it relevant here. Will i have to use this CORS exception or is there any other way of making a secured web service call from microsite


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